Kids ministry

It is our privilege to partner with parents to disciple their children, and our prayer is that the children entrusted to us in our Kids Ministry would grow to love God wholeheartedly and follow Him all the days of their lives.

Our Kids Ministry takes place during our 9:00 and 11:00 AM Sunday services with age appropriate classrooms for babies – 5th graders. Visit our kids check-in area before service to sign in. Our children’s pastors and volunteer team will help you get your kids to their respective classrooms.

Youth Ministry

The All Peoples Youth Ministries are our age-group ministries for middle school (6th-8th) & high school (9th-12th) students. Our desire is for the youth of All Peoples Church to encounter Jesus, make lasting friendships, and grow with others in their faith!

All Peoples Middle School meets every Wednesday night from 6:00-8:00 PM at church on the Turf! Come join us for food, fun, friendship, worship and a word!

All Peoples High School meets offsite every Sunday night from 5:30-7:30 PM for games, fellowship and devotional time.

College Movement

We exist to turn the hearts of college students toward God, toward each other and toward the nations. The College Movement at All Peoples Church includes students from SDSU, PLNU, USD, Grossmont, SDCC, Cuyamaca, UCSD, Mesa and more!

During the school year, college groups happen weekly all across the city, and once per month College United Gatherings happen at 8:00 PM at our church worship center (5555 Univ. Ave). If you are 18-25, join us as we have fun, build friendships, eat food, seek Jesus and serve together. Fill out our college connect form for all the latest updates and events.


Young Adults

All Peoples Young Adults a place where you can find community with like-minded individuals, dive deeper in your faith, and learn to represent the Kingdom in your sphere of influence. Together, we are dreaming of a city sold out for Jesus.

We gather on the third Friday of every month in large groups and each week in small groups. We also meet regularly for social events. Click below to get involved!

Adults & Families

At All Peoples Church, we believe God's intention and desire is for every person to be a part of His family. The purpose of our Adults & Families Ministry is to give our church members the resources, support and relationships they need to experience healthy, thriving family life (whether biological, spiritual or both).

Looking to connect with people in your stage of life? Keep an eye on upcoming events and current Life Groups and Growth Groups for opportunities to engage in our Adults & Families Ministry.